How To Get Along With Roommates On Nigerian Campuses


Getting along with people is a hectic job. Especially when it comes to people you don’t like or people you wouldn’t talk to daily. But when you meet the right person, a person who vibes with you, the whole process of getting along becomes easy.

All the same, we’re still humans and we all come from different cultures, and backgrounds and underwent different home training so there’s going to be a few cases of disagreements. What’s funny in all this, is that the person you dislike might turn out to be your one true friend.

Okay, let’s bring the whole getting along talk down to getting along as roommates. Based on this there are a lot of reasons you have to get along. It’s an endless list of words. But getting along with your roommate is all about communication, respect, compromise and importantly interacting with an open mind.

Nobody grew up with the same ideologies, not even siblings. So, interact with your roommate with an open mind, that’s willing to get to know the person.

 Here are a few tips to help the getting-along process

1. Open communication

Always talk to your roommate. They can’t read your mind so you have to tell them your likes and dislikes. Talk to your roommate about your expectations, boundaries, and any concerns you may have. It’s important to have open and honest conversations to avoid misunderstandings. Also, try to engage them in small talk, do you know their take on certain topics?

2. Respect personal space

This sounds crazy, I know. But even though both of you are roommates you still have to respect their personal space. Everyone needs their own space and privacy. Respect your roommate’s boundaries and make sure to communicate if you need some alone time as well.

You must think it’s silly to talk about personal space. Okay, think about this, even as roommates both of you still have sections where you keep your personal belongings. Rings a bell, right? Yep, that’s their personal space.

3. Establish common rules

Rules and regulations sound silly but it goes a long way. It helps avoid unnecessary arguments and fights. Set some ground rules together, such as cleaning schedules, noise levels, and guest policies. This helps create a peaceful living environment.

4. Be considerate

Think about how your actions might affect your roommate. How would you feel if you were in that person ‘s shoes?  Clean up after yourself, keep noise levels reasonable, and be mindful of shared spaces.

5. Find common interests

This helps a lot, especially in the bonding process. Engage in activities or hobbies that you both enjoy. This can help build a bond and create positive experiences together. Plus, it makes the whole living together much more enjoyable.

It’s normal to have occasional disagreements, but by maintaining open communication and showing respect, you can foster a healthy and enjoyable living situation.

Written by Dike Ijeoma

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